A) At this point, in time I have found that people stay with an organization for its cause. The fact that they unconditionally love and forgive those around them despite their imperfections and hypocricies is amazing. Now, I realize when people unconditionally love others, they themselves benefit the most because they are filled with love.
B) Some people are completely against religion and for the most part I have found that the number one reason is the hypocricy. At some point in time, they may have been hurt and hurt deeply. Nature and life are progressive. There is a nature cycle of life and as such, we as individuals should strive to find our purpose and progress to grow in mind, body and spirit. It is those that open their mind and heart that tend to grow the most. It is those that have consistent, daily, weekly reminders through any vehicle that tend to grow the most. One committed to growing will not limit his studies to one religion, faith, organization but will tap into the endless and vast well of knowledge in existence today. Is it true that someone who does not share my faith may still benefit from my message?
C) Some people are like me and tend to be very private individuals. I love people but at the same time, I shelter anything that might make me vulnerable. However, in terms of self reliance, there are three levels: dependence, independence and interdependence. What this means, is that while you can do it alone, a higher calling says to do it together. As a team, when you are weak (no matter how strong you are this time will come), there will be someone to pick you up. When you can come into agreement with other people, the benefits and blessings are exponential. The great thing about people is that no matter who you are, when you are at your lowest, when you feel there is nothing more you can lose, there will always be someone there to extend their hand. It may be a friend or family member, but it may also be a complete stranger.
While reading this morning, I came upon the story of Adam and the Garden of Eden. I always view things in a very different light than others. Most think this has to do with the start of mankind. They think that when Adam gave into Satan's seduction, that he fell to the Earth and the world fell into sin's grasp.
I view this very differently. I think that there are a lot of gray areas out there. As individuals, we create a blueprint for ourselves about what is right and wrong. So, I want to separate truth with what we believe to be true for a second. This is a very philisophical point, since some believe there is a single truth while others believe what we perceive to be true is truth. I think the point of the story is that when our actions are not aligned with our blueprint of what we believe to be right, that we fall into a life of disorder. In a sense, it almost doesn't matter what is really right, but what we believe to be right. For when our actions are not aligned with our blueprint, we actually sabotage our own success.
So in order to live life happily, we must have the discipline to take actions which are aligned with our own personal blueprint.
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2. Donate to SAGE via http://sagescholars.berkeley.edu/. The UC Berkeley SAGE (Student Achievement Guided by Experience) is a self-funded experiential leadership program that provides education, professional development, mentoring and internships to UC Berkeley students who come from poverty and low income backgrounds. I serve on the Leadership Council for SAGE and want to help raise money for their cause.
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